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Our Journey: 2017

South Sicily and end of season 3: (September to October 2017)
When we left Malta we decided to go straight to the port of San Leone Bagni located on the  South coast of Sicily. The reason we wanted to go there was to visit the temples of Agrigente.  This place has an archeological site with 6 Greek temples all built between 500 and 400BC.  Some of the temples are not so well preserved but one temple, the temple of Concordia, is  luckily in good condition as it was converted into a Catholic basilica in 597 AD. Later, in the  18th century, it was no longer used for religious purposes but restored to its original state.   The archaeological site is very impressive as you see several big temples within a short distance making you realize that is was an important place for the Greeks. From there you also have a  superb view of the sea which makes this site truly unique. If you have time, we recommend that  you walk to the museum as a lot of artefacts that have been excavated are on display. You will  see a lot of remarkable pottery and statues that were discovered.  The day after the visit to the temples, we stayed in the harbour as we had strong winds for  three days that prevented us leaving the marina. Once the storm was over, we moved  Eastwards and stopped overnight in the harbour of Licatta, and the day after in Ragusa. There  is nothing special in those marinas but they are well known as a good harbour for the winter  months. We continued our journey to the East coast of Sicily as our guest wanted to visit   Syracuse, Catania and Taormina.  After picking up some Australian friends in Catania, we  headed south again to the marina of Ragusa were Terus would spend the winter months. When  we arrived in Ragusa, we realized that our third season was over. We then started to prepare  Terus for the winter and on the 2nd of November, flew back to Belgium for the winter months.  We now look forward to early March when we will get back on board and start our 4th season. 
Concordia Temple Temple of Heracles Temple of Juno Top of this Page Previous Page Next Page