On the 4 of March we returned to Roma to start the 2017 season. The boat was in goodcondition except for the dust and bird droppings on the outside. So the first job was to cleanthe boat. After that we also decided to have the antifouling done as it was three years that thesubmarine part of Terus had not been cleaned. As we were not allowed to stay on board duringthe antifouling job, we decided to visit the cities of Siena and Assisi.Later in April, we also decided to visit Pompeii in one day as a lot of people told us that Napleswas not recommended for sailors. Either the marina is cheap but does not provide much securityor the marina is very expensive although well secured. The big advantage of visiting those placesearly in the season is that not many tourists are present, which of course makes it morepleasant. During our stay in Rome we realized that Easter is a really big celebration in Italy.Easter Sunday is one of the few days on which nearly all the shops are closed like the 1st of Maywhen everything is closed for Labor Day. In the supermarket, many of the shelves are filledwith big chocolate Easter eggs. These eggs will make a lot of kids happy as they are decoratedwith their TV heroes. I now realized why my parents told me that the Easter Bells came fromRome. It is because Easter eggs can easily be boughtin Rome by the zillions in the supermarkets.