Finding Terus was a big job as wehad strict criteria derived from our sailing experience on ourfriend Tom’s boat. Those citeriawere: •A second hand boat with alength of more or less 50 feet(15 meters).•A boat that had never beenchartered•A diesel Engine of 110 hp andno saildrive •A main sail that does not furl into the mast.•2 Cabins preferably, but nomore than 3.•Less then 1000 Engine hours.•A Boat in good condition.•A Boat located in Europe.After long hours of surfing on theinternet and the help of a friend,Jean Louis we found the nearlyperfect boat in the marina ofHendaye (France). Another goodfriend, Jacques went to check theboat and said that if we are readyto do some serious cleaning theboat was in good condition.In early May 2014 we signed thesale and purchase agreement.Another friend, Fx and fourfriends brought the boat fromHendaye to La Rochelle in the lastdays of May. Everything went wellwith the exception of the jib whichrefused to furl back and Fx had toclimb the mast to resolve theissue. Mid July we boarded theboat for the first time.
On the 8 of August we renamed the boat TERUS (meaning “straight forward” in Indonesian)Gone is Black Pearl; and long live Terus!
Of course the first sip of champagne was according to the tradition for Neptune (God of the seas).