When you arrive in Porto by sea you are impressed by the very high bridges thatdominate the Douro river at a height of about 70 meters. The Douro river that endsin the ocean at Porto has over the years created a unique landscape with a deep valleythat goes more than 100km further inland. The city is located on high up, but it isnearly impossible to visit the city if you stay at the same level so it is essential toplan your itinerary carefully, otherwise you may up climbing more then you need. Ifyou go inland, you will see the deep valley which forced the vineyards to be stepped.The city started trading with England in 1603, but the height of the trade betweenPorto and England was in the 17 and 18 centuries when France and England were atwar. During those centuries, no trade between France and England was possible, inparticular the wine trade. Porto is truly a fascinating city with many sites to visit. Wedid spend several days visiting Porto as there is so much to see. Certain placesdeserve special mention because they are unique, such as the lost step room of theSão Bento train station with walls covered by 20.000 azulejos (blue ceramic tiles).The Lello book-store, build in 1906, has an impressive staircase with 2 wings with adouble orientation. It is considered by many as the most beautifull book-store in theworld. Of course a visit to the Porto cellars is mandatory because they explain theprocess used for making Porto wine. at ther end of the visit there is also sometasting. There are also numerous churches covered in blue ceramic tiles. The picturebelow are only a selection of the more beautiful places. Do not hesitate to click onthe hyper-links for more details.