We visited several places in Portugal on our journey towards Gibralter. While Sesimbra andSilves were only a night stop, we spent more time in Lagos and Portimao. These cities are alsowell placed for visits to the surrounding areas. We visited three cities with an interestinghistorical background.Silves: the old capital of a powerful arab kingdom, it was destroyed during the "reconquista."Every building were destroyed, including the 20 mosques, with only one building left standing. Thecastle at the top of the city was preserved for strategic reasons and today offers a beauifullview of the surroundings. The city of Silves is closed to cars so walking in the streets is verypleasant. If you look at the tops of some buildings you will see big storks' nests.Faro: This city has a well preserved historical center. You can also observe numerous storks'nests. A visit to the cathedral is a must and the museum has a rich collection of religious clothingbut even more interesting is the access you gain to the tower. From there you have a beautifulview of the bishop's palace as well as the Laguna surrounding Faro.Ferragudo : A small village located on the opposite side of Portimao. From the Church square, you cancompare the original architecture of Ferragudo to the concrete invasion of Portimao. Inside thechurch there are a few wooden replicas of boats that were used to catch codfish at thebeginning of the century. The priest's assistant explained that he had been on those boats in thepast and how hard life was then. Ferrugado has also a fort but unfortunately it cannot be visitedas it is privately owned.