While continuing our Journey towards Gibraltar we decided to make a stop in the city ofCadiz.This city has only a few historial buildings mentioned in the guides even if the origin ofCadiz can be traced back to the Phoenicians. You can find a Roman theatre but regrefully in verybad condition. Cadiz is of course an important harbor but certainly not the biggest in Spain. Thereal thing to do in Cadiz is to walk the narrow streets admiring the buildings as well as the manyplazas you find at the intersections. We did not visit the cathedral as it seem to have only a fewinteresting items compared to the one in Seville we had visited two days before. The market isbeautifull with a lot of tuna and swordfishes. North of Cadiz is the city of Seville, whichcertainly is a place to visit. The city is on the Alquivir river. Many famous sea expeditions started out from Seville. Amongstthem Magelan and Christopher Columbus for his third trip to the West Indies. The city becameextremely rich in the 17 century as it was the only one that was allowed to trade with the WestIndies. Every boat that arrived was filled with gold and silver. The coffin of ChristopherColumbus can be seen in the cathedral indicating how much the people of Seville we’re thankfulto him. Besides the wealth brought from the West Indies, because the city got extremely rich, its cultural development has been extraordinary. You will be impressed by thebeauty of this city and if you stop in Seville you definitely need to set time aside to visit theCathedral, the Alcazar Palace, the “Los Venerables Hospital” the Pilatos House as well as theIndian archives.The latest building contains a valuable treasure as all the manuscripts of Spanishsea expeditions have been brought under one roof. More important is that an important effort is made to make all the documents available on the net so that everybody can consult them. Ifyou want to learn more about each building do not hesite to click on the hyperlinks. A moremodern building is the Plaza Espana which has an Azulejo (bleu ceramic tiles) panel for each ofthe 52 provinces of Spain.